I’m Melissa Jenkins :)
The Beginning
It all started with our many trips to the local hobby shop, Pope’s Hobbyland. It was the place my Grandpa got his model airplane parts & my brother picked his next model car kit to build. Where we went for all the craft supplies for my outer space centered science projects. Where I gathered yarn for my Nana to teach me how to knit. Where my Mom found art focused Christmas presents or a special crafty treat for our summertime rides to Northern Wisconsin. Where I discovered my first tiny plastic box, filled with blue iridescent seed beads to string onto dental floss - and created my first necklace.
That place was so, so special.
The Middle
I’ll never forget the day I decided to order a weaving kit from the brilliant, amazing, incredible fiber artist Maryanne Moodie after reading the quote, “If not now, when?”. I decided it was time to try something I’d been drawn to for a while. After being creative on the daily in my career (managing a bead store with the hope of buying it & working in interior design), I found myself in a left-brain techy job once we moved to Madison. I enjoyed my new work, but missed paying attention to my creative side as a big part of my daily work.
Weaving was calling to me; a fresh new start and addition to my maker journey and a further dive into creating pieces for interiors. The potential to combine all my loves into one also thrilled me; texture, color, shapes — ohhhh the jewelry and home possibilities!
With my first baby, came SAHM life and diving into my side business full-time. Many pop-up Madewell events, Holiday Markets, and weaving classes later and I felt another pull into a new direction as my second baby started 4K.
I discovered House of Colour through folks in the maker world I had been a part of for 7 years and found a new way to foster and celebrate individuality — and my joy for COLOR!
Melissa Jenkins designing a woven piece for a necklace or wall hanging.
Melissa Jenkins with her husband & two children.
The Now
Fast forward to today & my love of helping folks express themselves through jewelry, personal styling, home decor, and personal development is stronger than ever.
Through my business with House of Colour, a UK-based Color Analysis and Stylist company, I’ve learned so much about personal styling (and makeup!) based on who you uniquely are on the outside AND inside… also leading me to Astrology!
MJD Astrology came forth by way of a beloved color analysis client who teaches others how to read charts in a permission-based, positive way. As we discovered her best colors, we also had an instant connection and deep conversation; I discovered another deep passion and interest open up for me.
When I'm not making jewelry, doing Astrology readings, or styling folks through Color and Style Analysis, you can find me:
listening to an audiobook - while knitting ;)
thrifting for my next favorite piece
playing board games and building puzzles with my kiddos
going to concerts with my love
dining al fresco with some tasty iced tea (2 lemon wedges, please!)
dreaming up our next home project